As IELC develops, we will be regularly posting updates about new learning resources and library collections, events and other project news. Register as an IELC member to receive updates via our newsletters!

We have launched our two booklets: Dialogic Halaqah: A Guide for the Muslim Educator & Principles of Shakhsiyah Education! In case you missed our webinar discussing the books, please click on the video and enjoy! Dr. Farah Ahmed discusses the inspiration behind the books, key concepts found in each booklet, and how they can be used in your own context. The books are available from Amazon. Here are the UK and EU links. If you live elsewhere, you can search in Amazon and they should be available for you. If you can’t access them, please email Dialogic Halaqah: A Muslim Educator’s Guide (Bring Dialogic Halaqah Into Your Classroom) Principles of Shakhsiyah
Our research assistant, Usama Javed Mirza, recently published an article presenting a theoretical framework for Muslim science educators, called Islamic Scientific Critical Consciousness. The framework aims to nurture Muslim students to develop the capacity to reinvigorate the Islamic science tradition by taking the positive elements of both the tradition and those of modern science. Read the article below:

Call for participants in a conference (June 2023) and workshops (February 2023) on Islam, Science and Education.

Call for participants in a conference (June 2023) and workshops (February 2023) on Islam, Science and Education.

This online talk by Salatu Sule, Head of Office of Training and Development of New Horizons College, Nigeria presented several ideas and concepts that might help students think like Muslims.

In this seminar in the Cambridge Dialogues series, Dr. Claire Alkouatli discusses a collaborative, international project exploring young children’s imaginative play in the context of Islamic traditional storytelling.

This online event focused on the work of the Cambridge Dialogues and the newly established Islamic Educator Learning Community. The presentations from the event can be viewed here.

We’re delighted to say that after many months of thinking, sharing and refining ideas through the Cambridge Dialogues Project, IELC is now live. IELC is a space for Islamic educators to engage with ideas and reflect on their own practice.